All probes

ML091 : Cruzain (T. cruzi Cruzipain) Inhibitor



Target Name

T. cruzi Cruzipain

Target Alias


Target Class

Cysteine Endopeptidase

Mechanism of Action

Inhibitor of Cruzain

Biological / Disease Relevance

Anti-trypanosomal agent, Chagas disease

In vitro activity
Cruzain qHTS (EC50)
1260 nM
In vitro activity
Rhodesain (EC50)
200 nM
In vitro activity
TbCatB (EC50)
2000 nM
In vitro activity
Cruzain Cuvette Assay (EC50)
30 nM

Target Information

Cruzain is a key cysteine protease in Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi); it is essential for the parasite survival and replication, and has been validated as a drug target for this organism. Trypanosoma cruzi, a protozoan parasite, is the causative agent of Chagas disease. This is a major neglected tropical disease affecting over 16 million people, primarily in Central and South America. Discovering novel inhibitors of cruzain and determining their enzyme-bound structures is expected to provide a platform for drug discovery efforts against this resistance target.

Project Team




Physical & chemical properties
Molecular Weight 379.45 g/mol
Molecular Formula C23H25NO4
cLogP 4.6
PSA 72.47 A^2
CAS Number 1222659-69-9





Summary activity statement /

ML091 (CID 44143092; SID 99206570) exhibits potent near-stoichiometric inhibition of Cruzain and should be useful as both a potent effector of the enzyme in vitro and as a starting point for development of anti-trypanosomal agents.  ML091 belongs to a compound series that has been shown to be a non-covalent reversible inhibitor of Cruzain. ML091 probe displays potent reversible covalent inhibition of both cruzain and rhodesian which are two homologous cysteine proteases. ML091, was found to have minimal effect on the T. Cruzi parasite and have not shown potency against the parasites (in vivo). As such, this probe is best suited for in vitro studies of Cruzain, where a potent and selective non-covalent inhibitor is preferred.

In vitro activity - Biological assays

Summary /

ML091 displays potent reversible non-covalent inhibition of two homologous cysteine proteases cruzain and rhodesian. Moreover, this probe showed less to none cytotoxic activity towards T. brucei cell culture assay (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Biological activity of ML091. A) Chemical structure of the probe. B) Secondary cruzain cuvette assay performed at Shoichet lab. C) Dose response assay of ML091 against cruzain, rhodesain, and TbCatB. D) Cytotoxicity assay against ML091.

In vitro activity - Selectivity Assay

Cruzain qHTS (EC50) Papain (EC50) Selectivity


1260 nM >50000 nM 40:1

Summary /

Papain (counterscreen assay), another cysteine protease (related to cruzain) known to utilize the same Z-FR-AMC fluorogenic substrate, was selected as a convenient profiling target to determine selectivity of the probe. ML091 is found to be more selective against Cruzain than against Papain.